Hold hands day quotes, Wishes, Greetings, and Messages

Happy Hold hands day quotes, Wishes, Greetings, and Messages! Every year August 9 2023 Celebrate National Hand Holding Day. This day encourages affection towards loved ones and is created to encourage people to hold hands to emphasize the importance of touch. It was not only limited to romantic relationships but also warm gestures that happen between grandparents and their grandchildren, parents and their children. even more, young through a way of reassuring and guiding the world.

we are sharing on this post happy Hold hands day quotes and messages. Hold hands day is the most number of people celebrate in the united states. I listed this post Hold hands day Wishes, Greetings, and many more. So that you can collect and share your friend and Family or Share your Social media Like Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp.

When is Hold hands day?

August 9 2022 Celebrate National Hand Holding Day.

Hand Holding Day date

Year Date Day
2022 August 9 Tuesday
2023 August 9 Wednesday
2024 August 9 Friday
2025 August 9 Saturday
2026 August 9 Sunday

Hold hands day quotes

“Hold my hand and I’ll take you there, somehow, someday, somewhere.” – West Side Story

“Holding her hand in public is just another way of saying you’re proud to have her.” – Drake

You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.

“Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

If I am wrong, I need your hand to correct me. If I am lost, I need your hand to guide me. Please hold my hand tightly in your hand. Never let me go. I LOVE YOU!

Holding hands with you is like a promise that if even for a brief moment or a few hours, we don’t have to face the world alone.

Making fingers smile through holding your hand is the greatest hobby ever. I want to do this every day.

“I’m not asking you to walk in my shoes; I’d never wish my afflictions on anyone. But could you walk beside me on secure ground and reach to hold my hand?” – Richelle E. Goodrich

Your hand fits in mine like it’s just made for me!

“So hold my hand tight. Hold my hand with confidence. For this love can last forever. For this love we shall share together.” – Shelby Dawson

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough

I am a strong person but every now and then I need someone to hold my hand and tell me everything will be alright.

Hold hands day Wishes

Small things that mean a lot: Cute texts, tight hugs, long replies, holding hands, remembering the little things, and kisses on the forehead.

There’s something so real about holding hands, some kind of complex simplicity, saying so much by doing so little. I love it.

I remember the times when we used to sit in the park. Holding hands together I never should have gone away and left your life like this girl.

Hugging or holding hands with the person you love has been proven to reduce stress almost instantly.

One always needs someone to hold his hands to move forward. Experiencing love through this is mandatory.

Even the strongest person on earth needs his hand to be hold now and then. The affection is appreciated.

Hold my hand and reach to my heart faster. Cannot give you anymore shortcut route than this one.

Hold my hand with confidence like you love me confidently with all of your heart. May this bond last forever.

Happy Hold hands day Messages

Hold my hand tightly because it makes me feel safe and loved. Hold it firmly until death touches me because I cannot bear the separation from you, my dear man.

I want to hold your hand and travel the whole world. I want to hold yours and see all the wonders of the universe. Because you are an extraordinary man to me. Love you.

Hold my hand even when we will be at the edge of leaving the earth so that I know I am not alone. You are one of a kind, and I love you, my boyfriend/husband.

My hands never feel empty because you always hold them with care and love. You are my Superman in disguise.

Our hands are like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together to hold tight. Love you to the moon and back, my dear man.

If I am given the option to choose to live with only one memory, it would be the one holding my hand. You are the only one who changed my world forever. Thank you for everything.

Past and future both seem irrelevant when you bring me closer, holding my hands. I want to leave such a moment every day with my dearest woman.

“Just to hold my hand will make me think you love me as much as I love you.” – Leigh-Ann Beckett

I just wish we could go back to holding hands and spending time together.

“Sit with me, and I’ll not be alone. Hold my hand, and I’ll not feel alone. Cry with me, and I’ll no longer suffer alone.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

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