How To Emirates Id Change Mobile Number

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Emirates ID card is the identification card for UAE residence. It is also called the residence card of the United Arab Emirates.  The card is also considered as the personal database card of UAE residence. The Emirates ID should be always up to date as you will have to use it frequently in your Arab daily life. Every citizen of the UAE must carry an identity card. So it is important to be valid and up to date. Here is a complete guide to emirates id change mobile number. I will also provide some important information that may come useful.

The Emirates ID Must Be Up To Date

 The Emirates ID must be up to date to make sure that you are carrying all the correct information. There are several ways to change the information of Emirates ID. You can change some information at home like a phone number. You will have to apply online to request a change in your phone number. The Emirates Id has an expiry date also. The expiry date depends on the visa and residence type. One must renew his identity card before the expiry date. If one forgets to check the emirates id expiry date and delay renewing the card, he will be fined that will increase every day. Here is How to check the Emirates ID status.

How To Emirates Id Change Mobile Number:

Many peoples have their Emirates ID linked to the phone numbers of their workplace HR. This can create confusion to find out the real owner of the Emirates ID. To prevent this kind of confusion, one should always use their number to link in the Emirates ID. ICA is the main authority that monitors the identity issues and the problems about the Emirates ID. The ICA has many smart services that allow you to enjoy many services from home. One can change the linked number of Emirates ID from their home. Now I am going to break down every step of applying for a number change of the Emirates ID.

Step:1 Smart Services Websites

At first, visit the Smart Services Websites of ICA.

After entering the website you will see a form. You will have to fill out the form carefully. Follow my instruction to fill the form correctly.

At first, fill in the nationality information according to your Emirates ID. After entering the nationality information, another important piece of information is File No. Do not know what is file number? Well, it’s easy, you can find the file number on your residence visa. You can find the number just above The passport number. However, there is a small rule to follow while entering the file number. Peoples of Dubai will have to select the three sections number while choosing the file number. People outside Dubai will have to select 4 as the section number. Those are the information you will have to enter,

  • You will have to enter your Emirats ID number.
  • Fill your name in English in the name section. Make sure the name is similar to the Emirates ID.
  • After entering your name in English, your name will automatically be filled in Arabic.
  • Enter your passport number.
  • Now choose your date of birth according to your passport.
  • After that, you will have to enter the last date of entry into UAE stamped on your passport.
  • Lastly, enter your email address.

Now proceed after a quick check if all the information is correct. After completing the form a new page will appear. On the new page, you will have to enter your phone number and currently valid address. After that select the box with the registered mobile number. Fill the box with your new mobile number. After entering the new number and preceding the number you will receive an OTP number on your mobile phone. Use the OTP to use it for the verification of your phone number. After entering the OTP complete the captcha code and proceed.

Step:2 Application Verification Send Review

After completing all the steps above you will find a new page where you will able to check the application information. Now review all the information to ensure accuracy. When you are sure about all the information, proceed.

Step:3 Payment

After completing the previous steps you will find a payment page. Changing the number of Emirates ID costs AED 52.10. After completing the payment step, you will get a confirmation email that will say that your number changing process is completed. Your application will be checked manually before changing. Your number will be updated within 3-7 days. You can check your emirates ID status to keep track of your number update. If the application is rejected, nothing to worry about, you will get a refund. The application generally gets rejected for wrong information.

If you recently changed your phone number you are suggested to change the number from your ID as soon as possible. The Emirates ID is important for many governmental services, vote in the UAE elections of FNC – Federal National Councill. The Emirates ID is also a document that helps you to pass the immigration. And lastly, an Emirates ID is necessary to pass the eGates throughout the UAE. The card is unseizable under any conditions. That means companies can not withhold the Emirates

The ID of their employees. Companies can only get the personal details of the card. The Identity card contains a lot of smart features that provide the highest level of accuracy and security. The Emirates ID is a smart card and contains all the public key infrastructure such as the authentication certification and digital signatures.

That was all about the procedure of changing the phone number linked to Emirates ID. Here are some frequently asked questions that may be useful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to update any personal information of Emirates ID?

Well, unlike the phone number, all the personal information can not be changed from home. According to the Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship, one must change the information from the Emirates ID within 1 month of the change. If you want to change any information from your Emirates ID, you will have to visit the nearby customer happiness centre. You must carry your original passport and Emirates ID to the customer Happiness Center.

What is the fine of not renewing Emirates ID on time?

Every Emirates ID has a certain validity. One has to renew the card before the time expires. The system exists to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, you can update the information within 30 days of the expiry date. But if you cross the 30 days mark, you will have to pay AED 20 as a fine. If you do not renew the Emirates ID the fine will increase continuously. The fine can be a maximum of AED 1000.

emirates id change mobile number can be done from home?

Yes, you can apply for changing the linked phone number from ICA’s Smart Service website.

How can I change my Emirates ID number?

You can change your number by visiting ICA’s smart services website from home.

What is the File number in Emirates ID?

The file number is above the passport number of your residency visa.

How can I change my mobile number to MRN?

You will have to fill a form on the smart services website.

How can I check my Emirates ID mobile number?

Visit the FAIC website, and enter your Emirates ID number to check all the information about your ID including your mobile number.

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